Indian popular cartoon characters are beloved by children and adults alike. These animated characters have captured the hearts of audiences with their unique personalities, entertaining storylines, and relatable themes. They have become an integral part of Indian pop culture and have left a lasting impact on generations. 🔷 Here's a list of popular Indian cartoon characters: Chhota Bheem Motu Patlu Krishna Shiva Mighty Raju Bal Hanuman Ganesha Pakdam Pakdai (Dogs) Vir: The Robot Boy Eena Meena Deeka Kisna Bablu Dablu (Boonie Bears) Shaktimaan Rudra - The Secret Agent Guru Aur Bhole Bandbudh & Budbak These are just a few examples of popular Indian cartoon characters. Each of these characters has their own unique stories, adventures, and fan bases. 🟣 Cartoon Name: Chhota Bheem 🔹Made By: Chhota Bheem is created by Rajiv Chilaka and produced by Green Gold Animation Pvt. Ltd. 🔹Story: Chhota Bheem is set in the fictional village of Dholakpur, where a nine-year-old boy named Bheem...
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