Tim Drake is a popular character in the DC Comics universe, known for his role as the third Robin, the Boy Wonder. His origin story as Robin showcases his determination, intelligence, and unwavering commitment to justice. Let's delve into a brief summary of Tim Drake's journey from his introduction to the conclusion of his origin story. 🟩Summary: 🔹Introduction of Tim Drake: Tim Drake was introduced in Batman #436 in 1989, written by Marv Wolfman and illustrated by Pat Broderick. He made his first appearance as a young boy and an avid fan of Batman, deducing the identities of both Batman and the original Robin, Dick Grayson. 🔹Discovering Batman's Secret Identity: Tim's investigative skills led him to uncover Batman's true identity as Bruce Wayne. He realized that Batman was becoming darker and more brutal after the death of Jason Todd, the second Robin. Concerned about Batman's well-being, Tim approached Dick Grayson and shared his findings. 🔹Con...
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