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A Complete List of National Animals from Around the World

National animal is a symbol that represents a country's unique biodiversity, cultural heritage, and natural environment in the World, It is often chosen based on its cultural significance, historical importance, or its role in the ecosystem of Wild life. Animals can be mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, or any other living organism found in a particular region. They can also be mythical creatures or symbols that represent a country's identity and values. Many countries have designated a national animal, and these symbols are often featured on flags, coats of arms, and other national emblems.

National Animal in the World

National animals serve as an important symbol of a country's identity and heritage. They often hold a special place in a country's culture and history, and can be featured in art, literature, and even folklore. In some cases, national animals are considered sacred or revered, and are protected by law.

Designating a national animal is not only a way to celebrate a country's unique wildlife, but it can also serve as a reminder of the importance of conservation efforts. By choosing a national animal, a country can bring attention to the need to protect its natural environment and the biodiversity it supports.

National Animals of most Poular Countries

Country National Animal Description
Australia Kangaroo A marsupial that is native to Australia and is known for its powerful hind legs, used for hopping and jumping.
Brazil Jaguar A large cat native to South and Central America, known for its distinctive spotted coat and powerful jaw.
Canada Beaver A large aquatic rodent known for building dams and lodges, and its distinctive flat tail.
China Giant Panda A bear native to China known for its distinctive black and white fur and its diet of bamboo.
India Bengal Tiger A large carnivorous feline native to India, known for its distinctive orange coat with black stripes.
Indonesia Komodo Dragon A large lizard native to Indonesia that can grow up to 10 feet long, and is known for its venomous bite.
Japan Ainu Dog An ancient breed of dog native to Japan, known for its thick fur and hunting skills.
Kenya Lion A large carnivorous feline native to Africa, known for its distinctive mane and roar.
Mexico Golden Eagle A large bird of prey native to North America, known for its distinctive brown plumage and powerful talons.
Nepal Cow Considered a sacred animal in Hinduism, cows are an important symbol of Nepal's culture and religion.
Nigeria Eagle A bird of prey that symbolizes strength and freedom, and is often used as a national symbol.
Pakistan Markhor A large wild goat native to Pakistan, known for its long, curved horns and distinctive coat.
Peru Vicuña A South American mammal related to llamas and alpacas, known for its fine wool and graceful appearance.
Philippines Carabao A domesticated water buffalo that is an important draft animal in the Philippines, and is also a symbol of national pride.
Poland White-tailed Eagle A bird of prey native to Europe and Asia, known for its distinctive white tail and powerful beak.
Russia Brown Bear A large carnivorous mammal native to Russia, known for its thick fur and powerful build.
South Africa Springbok A medium-sized antelope native to South Africa, known for its distinctive brown and white coat and its ability to jump up to 13 feet in the air.
South Korea Siberian Tiger A subspecies of tiger native to Siberia and northeastern China, known for its thick fur and endangered status.
Spain Bull A domesticated bovine that has been an important symbol of Spanish culture for centuries.
Sri Lanka Sri Lankan Elephant An elephant subspecies native to Sri Lanka, known for its smaller size and distinctive curved tusks.
Thailand Thai Elephant An elephant subspecies native to Thailand, known for its intelligence and strength, and its role in Thai culture and history.
Turkey Gray Wolf A large carnivorous mammal native to Turkey and other parts of Eurasia, known for its social behavior and powerful hunting skills.
Country Name National Animal Description
United Kingdom Lion Although lions are not native to the UK, the lion has been a traditional symbol of the country's monarchy for centuries.
United States Bald Eagle A bird of prey that symbolizes freedom and independence, and is often used as a symbol of the United States.
Uruguay Southern Lapwing A bird native to South America, known for its distinctive call and its presence in the country's coat of arms.
Venezuela Turpial A brightly colored bird native to Venezuela, known for its melodic song and its importance in the country's culture and folklore.
Vietnam Water Buffalo A domesticated bovine that has played an important role in Vietnamese agriculture and culture for centuries.
Yemen Arabian Leopard A subspecies of leopard native to the Arabian Peninsula, and one of the most endangered big cats in the world.
Zimbabwe African Elephant A species of elephant native to Africa, known for its intelligence, social behavior, and its importance in African culture and wildlife conservation.

Some countries have more than one national animal, which may represent different regions or aspects of the country's identity. For example, India has several national animals, including the Bengal tiger, Indian elephant, and Indian peafowl, each symbolizing different values and characteristics of the country.

Here is a list of national animals of countries around the world along with a brief description:

Country Name: United States of America 

National Animal: Bald Eagle

 Full Description: The bald eagle is a bird of prey found in North America and is considered the national symbol of the United States. It is known for its striking appearance, with a white head and tail feathers and a dark brown body. It is admired for its strength, power, and majestic nature.

Country Name: Canada

National Animal: Beaver

Full Description: The beaver is a semi-aquatic mammal found in North America and is a symbol of Canada. It is known for its industrious nature and its ability to build dams and lodges using mud, twigs, and branches. The beaver represents Canada's strong work ethic and determination.

Country Name: Kenya 


National Animal: Lion

Full Description: The lion is a big cat found in sub-Saharan Africa and is considered the national animal of Kenya. It is known for its majestic appearance, strength, and courage. It is a symbol of power, pride, and resilience, which are qualities associated with the Kenyan people.

Country Name: China 

National Animal: Giant Panda

Full Description: The giant panda is a bear native to China and is considered the national symbol of China. It is known for its distinctive black and white fur, and its gentle nature. The giant panda is an important symbol of peace and friendship in Chinese culture.

Country Name: Australia 

National Animal: Kangaroo 

Full Description: The kangaroo is a marsupial found in Australia and is considered the national animal of Australia. It is known for its unique hopping gait and its pouch where it carries its young. The kangaroo represents the spirit of Australia's rugged and independent nature.

Country Name: India

National Animal: Bengal Tiger

Full Description: The Bengal tiger is a big cat found in India and is considered the national animal of India. It is known for its strength, courage, and grace. The Bengal tiger represents India's rich cultural heritage and its commitment to conservation efforts.

Country Name: New Zealand Full

 National Animal: Kiwiy

Description: The kiwi is a flightless bird native to New Zealand and is considered the national symbol of New Zealand. It is known for its distinctive appearance, with a long beak and brown, furry feathers. The kiwi represents New Zealand's unique biodiversity and its commitment to environmental conservation.

Country Name: Norway

National Animal: Polar Bear


 Full Description: The polar bear is a large bear found in the Arctic region and is considered the national animal of Norway. It is known for its white fur and its ability to thrive in harsh, icy environments. The polar bear represents Norway's connection to the Arctic region and its commitment to environmental conservation.

Country Name: France 

National Animal: Gallic Rooster

Full Description: The Gallic rooster is a breed of rooster native to France and is considered the national symbol of France. It is known for its distinctive appearance, with colorful feathers and a red comb on its head. The Gallic rooster represents France's national pride, courage, and strength.

Country Name: Brazil 

National Animal: Golden Lion Tamarin 

Full Description: The golden lion tamarin is a small monkey found in Brazil and is considered the national animal of Brazil. It is known for its bright orange fur and its playful nature. The golden lion tamarin represents Brazil's rich biodiversity and its commitment to conservation efforts.

Country Name: Kenya (co-national animal with the lion)

National Animal: African Elephant 

 Full Description: The African elephant is the largest land animal and is found in various parts of Africa. In Kenya, it is considered a co-national animal along with the lion. It is known for its intelligence, long memory, and strong social bonds. The African elephant represents Kenya's commitment to conservation and protection of wildlife.

Country Name: Australia (co-national animal with the kangaroo) 

National Animal: Koala


Full Description: The koala is a marsupial found in Australia and is considered a co-national animal of Australia along with the kangaroo. It is known for its cute appearance, with fuzzy ears and a button nose. The koala represents Australia's unique biodiversity and its commitment to environmental conservation.

Country Name: Colombia

National Animal: Andean Condor 

Full Description: The Andean condor is a bird of prey found in the Andes Mountains of South America and is considered the national animal of Colombia. It is known for its large size, with a wingspan of up to 10 feet, and its impressive flying abilities. The Andean condor represents Colombia's natural beauty and cultural heritage.

Country Name: Afghanistan

National Animal: Snow Leopard 

Full Description: The snow leopard is a big cat found in the mountainous regions of Central and South Asia and is considered the national animal of Afghanistan. It is known for its thick, white fur and its ability to survive in extreme cold environments. The snow leopard represents Afghanistan's connection to its natural environment and its resilience in the face of adversity.

Country Name: Scotland 

National Animal: Red Deer 

Full Description: The red deer is a large deer found in various parts of Europe and Asia and is considered the national animal of Scotland. It is known for its majestic appearance, with antlers that can grow up to three feet long. The red deer represents Scotland's rugged and wild natural beauty.

Country Name: Canada (co-national animal with the beaver)

National Animal: Harp Seal 

Full Description: The harp seal is a marine mammal found in the Arctic region and is considered a co-national animal of Canada along with the beaver. It is known for its distinctive appearance, with a white coat and black eyes. The harp seal represents Canada's connection to the Arctic region and its commitment to environmental conservation.

Country Name: Oman

National Animal: Arabian Oryx 

Full Description: The Arabian oryx is a type of antelope found in the deserts of the Arabian Peninsula and is considered the national animal of Oman. It is known for its distinctive appearance, with long, straight horns and a white coat. The Arabian oryx represents Oman's cultural heritage and its commitment to conservation efforts.

Country Name: Indonesia 

National Animal: Komodo Dragon 

Full Description: The Komodo dragon is a large lizard found in Indonesia and is considered the national animal of Indonesia. It is known for its powerful bite and its ability to hunt prey much larger than itself. The Komodo dragon represents Indonesia's unique biodiversity and its connection to its natural environment.

Country Name: Pakistan

National Animal: Bengal Fox  

Full Description: The Bengal fox is a small fox found in various parts of South Asia and is considered the national animal of Pakistan. It is known for its cunning and resourcefulness. The Bengal fox represents Pakistan's rich cultural heritage and its ability to adapt and thrive in difficult situations.

Country Name: Spain 

National Animal: Iberian Lynx 

Full Description: The Iberian lynx is a big cat found in the Iber

National Animal: Barbary Macaque Country Name: Morocco Full Description: The Barbary macaque is a type of monkey found in North Africa and is considered the national animal of Morocco. It is known for its playful nature and distinctive facial features. The Barbary macaque represents Morocco's cultural heritage and its connection to its natural environment.

Country Name: Brazil 

National Animal: Jaguar 

Full Description: The jaguar is a big cat found in South America and is considered the national animal of Brazil. It is known for its power, agility, and beauty. The jaguar represents Brazil's connection to its natural environment and its rich cultural heritage.

Country Name: Kazakhstan 

National Animal: Golden Eagle 

Full Description: The golden eagle is a bird of prey found in various parts of Eurasia and is considered the national animal of Kazakhstan. It is known for its strength, courage, and hunting abilities. The golden eagle represents Kazakhstan's unique cultural heritage and its connection to its natural environment.

Country Name: Sri Lanka

National Animal: Leopard 


Full Description: The leopard is a big cat found in various parts of Asia and Africa and is considered the national animal of Sri Lanka. It is known for its speed, agility, and beauty. The leopard represents Sri Lanka's unique biodiversity and its rich cultural heritage.

Country Name: Canada

National Animal: Cougar

Full Description: The cougar, also known as the mountain lion or puma, is a big cat found in various parts of North and South America and is considered the national animal of Canada. It is known for its agility, strength, and adaptability. The cougar represents Canada's wild and rugged nature and its connection to its natural environment.

Country Name: United States of America

National Animal: Bison  

Full Description: The bison, also known as the American buffalo, is a large mammal found in North America and is considered the national animal of the United States. It is known for its strength, resilience, and symbolic importance to Native American cultures. The bison represents the United States' natural heritage and its commitment to wildlife conservation.

Country Name: Belgium

National Animal: Lion 

Full Description: The lion is a big cat found in Africa and is considered the national animal of Belgium. It is known for its strength, courage, and majestic appearance. The lion represents Belgium's royal heritage and its connection to its colonial past.

Country Name: Canada

National Animal: Caribou  

Full Description: The caribou, also known as the reindeer, is a large mammal found in various parts of the northern hemisphere and is considered the national animal of Canada. It is known for its endurance, agility, and adaptability to cold environments. The caribou represents Canada's connection to its natural environment and its commitment to environmental conservation.

Country Name: Italy 

National Animal: Wolf 

Full Description: The wolf is a mammal found in various parts of Europe and is considered the national animal of Italy. It is known for its intelligence, loyalty, and social behavior. The wolf represents Italy's connection to its natural environment and its rich cultural heritage.

Country Name: Namibia

National Animal: Cheetah  

Full Description: The cheetah is a big cat found in Africa and is considered the national animal of Namibia. It is known for its speed, agility, and beauty. The cheetah represents Namibia's unique biodiversity and its commitment to wildlife conservation.

Country Name: Greenland 

National Animal: Muskox 

Full Description: The muskox is a large mammal found in the Arctic regions of North America and is considered the national animal of Greenland. It is known for its shaggy coat, massive size, and ability to survive in extreme cold environments. The muskox represents Greenland's natural environment and its connection to the Arctic regions.

Country Name: Panama  

National Animal: Harpy Eagle

Full Description: The harpy eagle is a bird of prey found in Central and South America and is considered the national animal of Panama. It is known for its massive size and powerful talons, which allow it to hunt large prey. The harpy eagle represents Panama's natural heritage and its connection to the tropical rainforests of the region.

Country Name: Scotland 

National Animal: Unicorn 

Full Description: The unicorn is a mythical creature and is considered the national animal of Scotland. It is known for its beauty and grace, as well as its symbolic importance to Scottish culture. The unicorn represents Scotland's rich cultural heritage and its connection to folklore and mythology.

Country Name: Philippines

National Animal: Philippine Eagle  

Full Description: The Philippine eagle is a bird of prey found only in the Philippines and is considered the national animal of the country. It is known for its distinctive appearance, powerful talons, and remarkable hunting skills. The Philippine eagle represents the country's unique biodiversity and its cultural heritage.

Country Name: South Africa

National Animal: Blue Crane  

Full Description: The blue crane is a bird found only in South Africa and is considered the national animal of the country. It is known for its distinctive blue-gray plumage and graceful appearance. The blue crane represents South Africa's natural environment and its connection to the grasslands of the region.

Country Name: Peru

National Animal: Llama  

Full Description: The llama is a domesticated mammal found in the Andes Mountains of South America and is considered the national animal of Peru. It is known for its distinctive appearance, docile nature, and importance to Peruvian culture. The llama represents Peru's rich cultural heritage and its connection to the Andean regions.

Country Name: Australia

National Animal: Platypus 


Full Description: The platypus is a mammal found only in Australia and is considered the national animal of the country. It is known for its unique appearance, with a bill like a duck, a tail like a beaver, and fur like an otter. The platypus represents Australia's unique biodiversity and its cultural heritage.

Country Name: Switzerland

National Animal: Alpine Ibex  

Full Description: The Alpine ibex is a large mammal found in the mountains of Europe and is considered the national animal of Switzerland. It is known for its massive size, curved horns, and ability to climb steep cliffs. The Alpine ibex represents Switzerland's natural environment and its connection to the Alpine regions.

Country Name: South Sudan 

National Animal: Lion 

Full Description: The lion is a big cat found in various parts of Africa and is considered the national animal of South Sudan. It is known for its strength, courage, and symbolic importance to African culture. The lion represents South Sudan's natural heritage and its cultural heritage.

Country Name: Wales 

National Animal: Dragon 

Full Description: The dragon is a mythical creature and is considered the national animal of Wales. It is known for its fierce appearance, as well as its symbolic importance to Welsh culture. The dragon represents Wales' rich cultural heritage and its connection to folklore and mythology.

Country Name: Belize

National Animal: Toucan  

Full Description: The toucan is a bird found in various parts of Central and South America and is considered the national animal of Belize. It is known for its distinctive appearance, with a large, colorful beak. The toucan represents Belize's unique biodiversity and its cultural heritage.

Country Name: India 

National Animal: Blackbuck 

Full Description: The blackbuck is a large mammal found in various parts of India and is considered the national animal of the country. It is known for its distinctive appearance, with spiral horns and brown and white fur. The blackbuck represents India's natural heritage and its connection to the grasslands of the region

Country Name: Israel 

National Animal: Hoopoe 

Full Description: The hoopoe is a bird found in various parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa and is considered the national animal of Israel. It is known for its distinctive appearance, with a crown of feathers on its head. The hoopoe represents Israel's unique biodiversity and its cultural heritage.

Country Name: Morocco 

National Animal: Barbary Lion 

Full Description: The Barbary lion is a large cat found in various parts of Africa and is considered the national animal of Morocco. It is known for its distinctive appearance, with a shaggy mane and golden fur. The Barbary lion represents Morocco's natural heritage and its connection to the wildlife of the region.

Country Name: Guatemala

National Animal: Quetzal 


Full Description: The quetzal is a bird found in various parts of Central America and is considered the national animal of Guatemala. It is known for its distinctive appearance, with bright green and red feathers. The quetzal represents Guatemala's unique biodiversity and its cultural heritage.

Country Name: Australia 

National Animal: Red Kangaroo 

Full Description: The red kangaroo is a large marsupial found only in Australia and is considered another national animal of the country. It is known for its distinctive appearance, with reddish-brown fur and powerful hind legs. The red kangaroo represents Australia's unique biodiversity and its cultural heritage.

Country Name: Philippines 

National Animal: Tarsier 

Full Description: The tarsier is a small primate found in various parts of Southeast Asia and is considered the national animal of the Philippines. It is known for its large eyes and distinctive appearance. The tarsier represents the Philippines' unique biodiversity and its cultural heritage.

Country Name: Botswana

National Animal: Zebra  

Full Description: The zebra is a large mammal found in various parts of Africa and is considered the national animal of Botswana. It is known for its distinctive appearance, with black and white stripes. The zebra represents Botswana's natural heritage and its connection to the wildlife of the region.

Country Name: Thailand

National Animal: Elephant  

Full Description: The elephant is a large mammal found in various parts of Asia and Africa and is considered the national animal of Thailand. It is known for its distinctive appearance, with a long trunk and ivory tusks. The elephant represents Thailand's natural heritage and its cultural heritage.

Country Name: Canada 

National Animal: Snowy Owl 

Full Description: The snowy owl is a bird of prey found in various parts of the Arctic regions of the world and is considered another national animal of Canada. It is known for its distinctive appearance, with white feathers and yellow eyes. The snowy owl represents Canada's natural heritage and its connection to the Arctic regions.

Country Name: Russia

National Animal: Wapiti (Elk) 

Full Description: The wapiti, also known as elk, is a large mammal found in various parts of North America and Eurasia and is considered the national animal of Russia. It is known for its distinctive appearance, with large antlers and a brownish-red.

National Animal: Okapi 

Country Name: Democratic Republic of Congo 

Full Description: The okapi is a mammal found only in the forests of the Democratic Republic of Congo and is considered the national animal of the country. It is known for its distinctive appearance, with brown and white striped fur and a long neck. The okapi represents the Democratic Republic of Congo's unique biodiversity and its cultural heritage.

Country Name: Nepal

National Animal: Yak  

Full Description: The yak is a large mammal found in various parts of Asia and is considered the national animal of Nepal. It is known for its distinctive appearance, with long shaggy hair and curved horns. The yak represents Nepal's natural environment and its cultural heritage.

Country Name: Poland 

National Animal: Auroch 

Full Description: The auroch is an extinct species of wild cattle that once roamed the forests of Europe and is considered the national animal of Poland. It is known for its massive size and distinctive appearance, with large curved horns. The auroch represents Poland's natural heritage and its connection to the wildlife of the region.

Country Name: Peru 

National Animal: Alpaca 

Full Description: The alpaca is a domesticated mammal found in various parts of South America and is considered the national animal of Peru. It is known for its soft wool and distinctive appearance, with long necks and big eyes. The alpaca represents Peru's cultural heritage and its connection to the Andean region.

Country Name: Australia 

National Animal: Cane Toad 

Full Description: The cane toad is a large amphibian found in various parts of Australia and is considered another national animal of the country. It is known for its distinctive appearance, with a warty skin and poison glands on its back. The cane toad represents Australia's unique biodiversity and its connection to the wildlife of the region.

Country Name: India 

National Animal: Peafowl 

Full Description: The peafowl, commonly known as the peacock, is a large bird found in various parts of South Asia and is considered the national animal of India. It is known for its distinctive appearance, with colorful feathers and a long tail. The peafowl represents India's cultural heritage and its connection to the natural environment.

Country Name: Bangladesh 

National Animal: Bengal Tiger 

Full Description: The Bengal tiger is a large carnivorous mammal found in various parts of South Asia and is considered the national animal of Bangladesh. It is known for its distinctive appearance, with orange and black stripes and a powerful build. The Bengal tiger represents Bangladesh's natural heritage and its connection to the wildlife of the region.

Country Name: Iceland

National Animal: Atlantic Puffin 

Full Description: The Atlantic puffin is a seabird found in various parts of the North Atlantic and is considered the national animal of Iceland. It is known for its distinctive appearance, with a colorful beak and black and white feathers. The Atlantic puffin represents Iceland's unique biodiversity and its connection to the wildlife of the North Atlantic.

Country Name: Liberia

National Animal: Chimpanzee  

Full Description: The chimpanzee is a large primate found in various parts of Africa and is considered the national animal of Liberia. It is known for its distinctive appearance, with black fur and a prominent brow ridge. The chimpanzee represents Liberia's natural environment and its connection to the wildlife of the region.

Country Name: Chile 

National Animal: Mountain Lion 

Full Description: The mountain lion, also known as the puma or cougar, is a large carnivorous mammal found in various parts of the Americas and is considered the national animal of Chile. It is known for its distinctive appearance, with tan or brown fur and a muscular build. The mountain lion represents Chile's natural environment and its connection to the wildlife of the region.

Country Name: Sweden 

National Animal: Moose 

Full Description: The moose, also known as the elk, is a large mammal found in various parts of the northern hemisphere and is considered the national animal of Sweden. It is known for its distinctive appearance, with a broad nose and large antlers. The moose represents Sweden's natural environment and its connection to the wildlife of the region.

Country Name: Belarus 

National Animal: European Bison 

Full Description: The European bison, also known as the wisent, is a large mammal found in various parts of Europe and is considered the national animal of Belarus. It is known for its distinctive appearance, with a massive head and curved horns. The European bison represents Belarus's natural heritage and its connection to the wildlife of the region.

Country Name: Sri Lanka

National Animal: Blue Whale  

Full Description: The blue whale is a marine mammal found in various parts of the world's oceans and is considered the national animal of Sri Lanka. It is known for its massive size.

Country Name: United States of America

National Animal: White-tailed Deer 

Full Description: The white-tailed deer is a medium-sized deer found in various parts of North and Central America and is considered the national animal of the United States. It is known for its distinctive appearance, with a reddish-brown coat and a white underside. The white-tailed deer represents the natural environment of the United States and its connection to the wildlife of the region.

Country Name: Canada 

National Animal: Moose 

Full Description: The moose, also known as the elk, is a large mammal found in various parts of the northern hemisphere and is considered the national animal of Canada. It is known for its distinctive appearance, with a broad nose and large antlers. The moose represents Canada's natural environment and its connection to the wildlife of the region.

Country Name: Kyrgyzstan 

National Animal: Snow Leopard 

Full Description: The snow leopard is a large carnivorous mammal found in various parts of Central Asia and is considered the national animal of Kyrgyzstan. It is known for its distinctive appearance, with grey and white fur and black spots. The snow leopard represents Kyrgyzstan's natural environment and its connection to the wildlife of the region.

Country Name: Uruguay 

National Animal: Capricorn 

Full Description: The Capricorn, also known as the brocket deer, is a small deer found in various parts of South America and is considered the national animal of Uruguay. It is known for its distinctive appearance, with reddish-brown fur and small antlers. The Capricorn represents Uruguay's natural environment and its connection to the wildlife of the region.

Overall, national animals are a way for countries to showcase their natural and cultural heritage, and to celebrate the unique creatures that call their country home.

conclusion, national animals represent a country's cultural, historical, and environmental identity. They serve as a symbol of the country's unique biodiversity and natural resources, and can also serve as a reminder of the importance of conservation efforts. By designating a national animal, countries can celebrate their unique wildlife and showcase their national identity. They can also use this designation to bring attention to the need to protect their natural environment and the biodiversity it supports. Overall, national animals are an important part of a country's cultural heritage and a way to honor and appreciate the natural world.


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